Piumal Rathnayake

Computer Engineering Undergraduate,
Open Source Enthusiast, and Full-Stack Developer.


📍 Kandy, Sri Lanka

👨‍💻 Full Stack Developer

📧 piumal1999@gmail.com



Google Summer of Code Org Admin


Feb 2024 - Present

Serving as an Organization Admin for OpenMRS at Google Summer of Code 2024, overseeing administrative tasks

Research Assistant

Singapore University of Technology and Design

2023 Aug - 2024 Jan

Served as a Visiting Research Assistant for a project focused on Swarm Robotics and Machine Learning. Worked on creating simulations and implementing reinforcement learning techniques within the framework of the research project

Software Engineer

Sustainable Education Foundation

Nov 2019 - Present

Contributed to the development and deployment of the ScholarX and AcadeMiX platforms

Google Summer of Code Mentor


2023 - Present

Mentoring for a frontend development project in GSoC 2024 and mentored in 2 QA-related projects at GSoC 2023, providing guidance and support to the students.

Google Summer of Code Intern


2021 - 2022

Implemented OCL Subscription Module in GSoC 2022, enhancing medical concept library management. Enhanced DHIS Connector Module in GSoC 2021, integrating OpenMRS and DHIS2 with new features.

dev/3 Developer


2020 - Present

Contributing to OpenMRS as a volunteer developer (full-stack)

QA Engineering Fellow


2023 Feb - 2023 Aug

As a QA Engineering Fellow, streamlined test management for OpenMRS, improving the e2e, unit and integration testing processes

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Department of Computer Engineering, UoP

2024 Mar - Present

Supervising lab sessions for the CO544 Machine Learning course and the CO328 Software Engineering course for third-year undergraduates in the Department of Computer Engineering at the University of Peradeniya.

My Projects


Successfully developed and launched the ScholarX V1 platform, which is a mentoring platform for Sri Lankan Undergraduates. Led a team of 10+ volunteer developers in the research and development of the ScholarX v2 Platform

JavaSpring bootHibernateReactTypescriptPostgreSQLCloud Computing


Worked as a backend developer of the AcadeMiX platform, which is a free online database of educational resources.

JavaSpring bootHibernate

Open Concept Lab Module

Developed a React-based module that manages OCL Subscriptions in OpenMRS3 for GSoC 2022, streamlining the process of importing medical terminologies from Open Concept Lab, which is an open-source terminology management system

ReactTypescriptCarbon Design System

DHIS Connector Module

Enhanced the OpenMRS DHIS Connector Module by adding new features such as a User Access Control System and Automated Location Mapping for GSoC 2021, improving the integration between OpenMRS and DHIS2


Optimizing the automated E2E testing process of OpenMRS3

Reduced the time taken for E2E tests by more than 75% (with pre-filled Docker images for the backend and database). Reduced the resource consumption of E2E tests by more than 80% (with lightweight dynamic frontend Docker images).


AI-assisted analysis of dental radiographs for detection of alveolar bone-loss magnitude and patterns

Developing and evaluating machine learning algorithms capable of accurately identifying and quantifying alveolar bone loss in dental radiographs. Enhancing selected models to identify distinct patterns of bone loss, specifically distinguishing between horizontal and angular patterns



Designed and developed a smart pet collar that enables pet owners to monitor their pet’s location, health, and vaccination records remotely, collaborating with a team of undergraduates at the University of Peradeniya

NodeJsExpressJsReactJsMongoDBCloud ComputingMQTTEmbedded SystemsArduino

Realtime Flood Forecast System

Machine learning-based flood forecasting system for the Mi Oya river basin in Sri Lanka, aiming to mitigate flood impacts and develop preventive measures. Includes real-time forecasting, flood modeling, interactive website, and support for public users and officials
